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Report Summary: Foshan Lingnan Tiandi (LNTD) is a mixed-use masterplanned urban redevelopment located in the Chancheng District of Foshan, Guangdong province, in southern China. LNTD is committed to the revitalization of Foshan's Old Town, and at its center is the biggest single-developer city-core preservation and urban regeneration project in China. The development not only preserves the historical and cultural heritage of the area, promoting the city's unique identity, but also ushers in modern facilities for the community. Widely acclaimed and commercially successful, the project reinvented the economics, design, and overall sustainable philosophy of developing and operating culturally significant districts in urban China.
LNTD with total gross floor area of 1.5 million sqm was developed by Shanghaibased Shui On Land (SOL) on a 65-hectare site. This area of Foshan—once the heart of Lingnan culture of southern China—held the renowned Zumiao Temple and other prized works of historic architecture. Yet the dilapidated conditions and encroachment of modern multi-story buildings called for urgent action. These included new streets, plazas, parks, modern amenities such as in-unit kitchens and toilets, upgrades to the fire-prevention system, and parking spaces for cars (including underground parking). In addition, buildings in the area needed to be renovated or replaced to satisfy sunlight and ventilation requirements and to ensure the structures could remain in use for seventy years as required by law. LNTD is connected to downtown Guangzhou by subway and has become one of the most recognized urban neighborhoods in China's Greater Bay Area.
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